Exclusive Interview: Lauri Love on Julian Assange’s Extradition Hearings – Part 2

Earlier we posted part 1 of the interview journalist Taylor Hudak of acTVism Munich did with computer scientist and activist Lauri Love, about the extradition case of journalist Julian Assange. As many of you are aware, Lauri has been in a somewhat similar situation where he was facing an extradition request to the United States himself. Eventually he was able to win this case, but his experiences are the reason he is able to give a unique view on the situation the Wikileaks founder is currently in. A very interesting interview that is surely worth your time. Part 2 is out now, so if you are interested in the Assange case, go watch it right now.

Exclusive Interview: Lauri Love on Julian Assange’s Extradition Hearings – Part 2:

“In part two of this three part series and exclusive interview with Lauri Love, we focus on Lauri’s extradition battle to the United States. Lauri speaks about the important role Wikileaks, Julian Assange, the Courage Foundation and others had in securing his freedom. In addition, Lauri reveals the difficulties associated with facing extradition from the UK to the US”

If you didn’t see it yet, watch part 1 here: Click

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